Windows to the World
Digital Artifacts for Global Educators
Contents: About CollectionBuilder | About the About Page | Tech
A launchpad to the world, based in the Midwest
Founded in 1820, Indiana University Bloomington is the flagship campus of IU’s seven campuses and two regional centers statewide. Its mission is to create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge. It does so through its commitments to cutting-edge research, scholarship, arts, and creative activity; to challenging and inspired undergraduate, graduate, professional, and lifelong education; to culturally diverse and international educational programs and communities; to first-rate library and museum collections; to economic development in the state and region; and to meaningful experiences outside the classroom.
The partnership between art and global studies
In 2018, IU launched University Collections, part of a sustained effort to ensure that all of IU’s collections are properly preserved, housed, and made accessible to all members of the IU community, the general public, and scholars everywhere. The Collections center provides all collections with access to share resources, provide training opportunities, and assist in creating necessary plans and policies to ensure the safety and longevity of all collections. | The IU Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies was established in 2012 and named in 2018. Offering the most foreign languages in the country, the HLS provide students with a superior global education, including the #1 fellowships and language Flagship programs in the country. The Hamilton Lugar School combines the study of history, culture, society, and language with a close examination of pressing global issues. |
Global Departments, Centers and Institutes at IU
About CollectionBuilder
This site is generated using CollectionBuilder-GH, a project to create a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages from:
- a CSV of collection metadata
- a folder of JPG images or PDF documents
For full details of creating your own collection site, visit CollectionBuilder Documentation!
About the About Page
We want to make engaging interpretive pages easier to create, so CollectionBuilder gives you tools to write with your collection content!
The template comes with a customizable “About” page layout designed for long form content with rich media embeds. Content is written in Markdown and enhanced using “includes” that pull in collection content, external media, and Bootstrap features like cards and modals. We hope this makes it easier for site builders to develop the collection AND add interesting and engaging contextual information.
Each “include” file has several options, which are documented in the files themselves–copy the examples to see how it works with your content! In the demo below, we’ve given display widths of 25% and 50% to save space, but you can feature the entire image or document.
You can also see a page featuring a bonanza of feature includes options on our CollectionBuilder-GH demo site.
Include Collection Items
The template provides includes to pull your collection objects and metadata into your interpretive page, allowing you to write with your materials directly embedded in the content.
Include an Image
- Image –>
{% include feature/image.html objectid="demo_001" width="75" %}
Include a PDF
- PDF – >
{% include feature/pdf.html objectid="demo_002" width="50" %}
Include a Video
- Video:
{% include feature/video.html objectid="demo_004" %}
Include an Audio File
- Audio:
{% include feature/audio.html objectid="demo_003" %}
Include Bootstrap Features
The template also provides includes to make it easier to add Bootstrap components to your Markdown writing. These features allow you to better organize and highlight your content.
Include a Card
- Card – >
{% include feature/card.html header="This is a Card" text="The card features an image from the collection as a cap" objectid="demo004" width="25" centered=true %}
This is a Card
The card features an image from the collection as a cap
Include a Button
- Buttons – >
{% include feature/button.html text="Button Link to Somewhere" link="" color="success" %}
Include an Alert
- Alerts – >
{% include feature/alert.html text="this is an *alert* that 'warns' a user" color="warning" align="center" %}
This is an alert that ‘warns’ a user with centrally aligned text.
Include a Modal
- Modals – >
{% include feature/modal.html button="This is a modal using a 'primary' colored button to invite clicking" title="when clicked:" text="A Modal will pop out a box with some more information" color="primary" %}
Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder
This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.
The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.